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What Material do Bookmarks have?

What Material do Bookmarks have?

2022-05-24 15:38:16

Bookmarks can be made not only of paper but also of other materials, such as:


Plastic bookmark


In addition to paper, another common bookmark-making material is plastic. The reason is simple, low price, and exquisite printing.


Metal bookmarks


The third common bookmark material is metal. The more precious metal is gold. And bookmarks made of tin.


Leather bookmark, wool bookmark


Animals are good friends of mankind, but they have also made great sacrifices for human happiness. They not only provide food and labor for human beings but also contribute their skin, hair, and bones for human spiritual life.


Plant bookmark


After talking about animals and insects, of course, we should talk about plants. The paper bookmark mentioned above is made of plants.


But as far as paper bookmarks are concerned, plants are not their direct raw materials. Bookmarks using plants directly as raw materials include wooden bookmarks, bamboo bookmarks, etc. In addition to the branches and stems of plants, their leaves are often good materials for making bookmarks. The smaller plants can be used as a whole to make bookmarks. When it comes to plants, of course, you can't forget cotton. Cotton products can also be used to make bookmarks. There are bookmarks made of cotton yarn directly, and the other is bookmarks made of rags.


We are a Bookmarks exporter supplier wholesaler, our products satisfy our customers. And we want to be your long-term partner, any interests, welcome to contact us.

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